Touhula's values

Values guide our work towards better Touhula from children’s, parents’ and personnel’s perspectives. These values have been reflected by our personnel as well as by the children in Touhula.


When you play with someone and have fun – 5-year-old Jenna

Physical, psychological and social wellbeing are crucial elements in a happy childhood and well-working work community. For us, the right for equal treatment is a matter of honor and responsibility of everyone in Touhula. In our work, we are commited to plan and implement the everyday activities fluently. Stable and confidentioal relationships between children and personnel, physically active movement and healthy food build the foundations for everyday life in our early childhood educations and care settings.


When you open something, you are open – 4-year-old Viivi

For us, openness means that we can talk about things directly and fairly. Our communication is positive and constructive. Each discusion offers a possibility to create trust, whether it is meant for children or parents, or from an employee to another. Two-way communication is a prerequisite for good communication, and often listening is more important than talking. Openness helps in solving everyday situaations and encourages us to implement our work according to shared values.


That a friend is feeling great – 6-year-old Sara

As educators of the young children, we want to offer possibilities to have a good life not only for the today’s generation, but also for the future ones. We are commited to socially, ecologically and economically sustainable development and responsibility. In our everyday work, we are carrying out the principles of sustainable development. These principles are actualized in encounters with children and parents, between personnel and also in the way we treat our environment.

Joy of learning

That you have learned something new and you are happy about it – 5-year-old Joel

You can feel the joy of learning through big ideas and insights but also through small moments in everyday life. Learning happens, when we ask and explore. It manifests itself by giving compliments and support. Children are their own experts of curiosity, and adults need to direct children in the path of learning. We give children space to participate, invent and develop, but also freedom to make mistakes and retry. In Touhula, we feel the joy of learning, when we develop our professional skills. We are committed to develop our working skills and professional know-how.