TouGo assists in daily communications
TouGo is a communications channel between daycare centres and families. While “on-the-go”, parents can update and keep up with the latest news, information and changes concerning their child’s day at a Touhula daycare centre.
TouGo is also used to make reservations of care times, and absence notifications. You can also view your child’s information.
With the TouGo service, all daycare notifications and messages are at your fingertips at all times. Checking on forthcoming events and reminders is easy with TouGo. In addition to mobile application, TouGo can be used in web browser (

TouGo is used for making reservations of care times, and absence notifications, of which are important for the daycare centres.
Data security
Because TouGo processes the personal data of children and their guardians, we carefully comply with data processing practices and data protection principles, and ensure a sufficient level of data security. The servers are housed behind firewalls and access to them is controlled by user credentials and passwords.
In daycare centres, the use and administration of the TouGo system requires a personal user ID and password. Logs are filed on all processing of personal data.
See the related privacy statement and terms and conditions of use, for more details on the TouGo application.
Downloading the application
You can download TouGo from Google Play Store or App Store.