1. Daycares
  2. Iisalmi
  3. Touhula Kangaslampi

Joy of play, move and field trips

Our daycare centre’s pedagogical theme is Move, with focus on children’s movement and positive energy. We also offer preschool education.

For more information and updates on our daycare centre’s life, follow us on Facebook.

Leave an application and we’ll get in touch with you. The application is not binding.

  • Daycare additional info

    While kids can move both indoors and outdoors, movement merges into a natural part of everyday life. The modern movement facilities and equipment of Kangaslampi are in daily use.

    The environment of Kangaslampi inspires kids to move around and supports their motoric skills development. The surrounding sport campus with grass fields, hike trails and skiing opportunities summons us to exercise in different ways throughout the year.

    We also engage with the nearby school in different ways.

Virpi Rissanen Daycare Manager
Opening hours

Mon–Fri 6.30–17 h

  • Theme

    The joy of movement


The fee per child at the Touhula daycare centres in Iisalmi is between €0 and €311 per month.

The total price of early childhood education and care consists of the value of a service voucher granted by the municipality and a co-payment by the customer, i.e. the customer fee.

Apply for Early Childhood Education and Care

Fill out the application, and our Daycare Manager will be in touch with you within a week. In most cases, we are able to confirm a place right away, allowing the child to start quickly. The application is not binding.

Our groups

At Touhula, we operate during the day in small groups in which each child is seen and heard as a unique individual. The childrens’ guardians also have an opportunity to be genuinely present and help fulfil their children’s needs.

The TouGo application is the primary tool for contacting the daycare centre about everyday issues concerning a child.

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