Creating happy childhood
At Touhula, a child can safely explore the world and experience the joy of learning alongside friends and familiar adults.
Apply for daycare
Submit an application and we’ll get in touch with you!
In most cases, we can confirm a place in the daycare centre immediately, allowing the child to start quickly. However, the application is not binding.

Touhula in figures
Daycare Centres -
Municipalities -
My child is warmly welcomed -
Interaction with staff is smooth
Why Touhula?
Touhula is the child’s very own place, which offers routines and inspiration in the everyday life. In Touhula, the child can safely explore the surrounding world and feel happy about learning together with other children and familiar adults. For parents, we want that Touhula can be a point of support in their everyday life, and where the whole family feels happy about coming to every day.