A winning smile will take you through the entire day

  • Saara
    Daycare centre Skipper, Touhula Merimasto, Liminka

What’s the best thing about your job?

Definitely the varying and diverse tasks and working days that are truly captivating. The best moments in my job consist of those mornings when I meet a little one with a twinkle in their eye and a big smile. A winning smile will take you through the entire day.

The most important aspect from the child’s perspective?

The most important thing is that each child – that is, each treasure – is acknowledged as an individual.

Tell us about the group of kids you’re working with.

The group I work in is full of lovely little adventurers – charming and colourful personalities, each in their own way.

Your future expectations?

I expect to have days filled with enthusiasm and creating something new.

A fun memory of your work in Merimasto

The fast-paced winter olympics using woollen socks is the first thing to come to mind.