The key is the children’s happiness and cooperation with coworkers

  • Carolina, 40 years
    Caregiver, Touhula Vekkuli, Kotka Touhula employee since 2005

What’s the best thing about your job?

The best thing is working with children. My coworkers and a good team spirit matter a lot to me. At work, the moments to treasure are the feelings of success whenever a child learns something new.

What is the most important aspect of Touhula for a child?

The joy and the feeling of success.

What’s the group of children you’re working in like?

I change groups every week. Sometimes I work with the little ones (under three years) and sometimes with the older kids (3-5 years). This way both the adults and the children get to know one another regardless of the group.

What are your expectations for the coming year?

I expect to continue doing the things I consider important, that is, the happiness of the kids and cooperation with my coworkers, stay the same.

What are your future expectations in Touhula?

I hope to be able to continue doing meaningful work and have continued cooperation with my colleagues, parents, and other parties.

What was the most memorable moment in your career in Touhula?

The moment I remember the best is our Christmas party in 2016, with amazing cooperation with my coworkers. That’s when I felt truly proud of being a part of this bunch!

What’s the nicest memory in your Touhula career?

The nicest moment was when a child said ”thank you” as the first ever word.